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What Are Common Types of Truck Accidents?

Rollover truck on autobahn

Semis, eighteen-wheelers, tractor-trailers and other large trucks have attributes that make them more likely to get in certain kinds of accidents than other vehicles. Nearly any accident involving a large truck is expected to lead to severe injury or worse. Continue reading for a discussion of the more common types of truck accidents, and contact an Indianapolis truck accident lawyer if you’ve been hurt by someone else’s negligence in Indiana.

Blind Spot Accidents

Large trucks have more significant blind spots than other vehicles. Many accidents involving large trucks occur because passenger cars, motorcycles, and other smaller vehicles ride in the truck’s blind spot. When the semi makes a sudden lane change or turn, they are likely to collide with any driver sitting in their blind spot.


Rollovers are among the most common crashes involving large trucks. They may occur as a result of an unbalanced or overweight load, inclement road conditions, sharp turns, or speeding and other aggressive driving maneuvers.


Jackknifing occurs when a truck’s cab forms a 90-degree angle with the trailer. This can happen when a driver brakes hard and fast, bringing the trailer forward while the cab stays in place. The trailer then swings uncontrollably, leading to a crash.

Broadside Crashes

If a truck driver or another car on the road runs through a stoplight or stop sign, a severe collision can occur with a vehicle traveling perpendicular through the same intersection. These are known as broadside, or “T-bone” crashes.

Rear-End Collision

Semis and other large trucks are thousands of pounds heavier than the typical car. Extra weight means that large trucks will take much longer to slow and stop. If a sudden hazard appears in front of a large truck, such as a stopped vehicle, the big rig is liable to hit the stopped car from behind. A catastrophic injury is likely to result.

Loose Load

If a truck’s haul is improperly balanced or improperly secured, it is apt to come loose while the tractor-trailer is on the road. Lumber, manufacturing equipment, loose consumer goods, hazardous chemicals, and other objects might fall off the back or the sides of the truck bed and cause a crash.

Tire Blowouts

Large trucks put heavy wear and tear on their tires. Trucks require constant maintenance to ensure that no part of the vehicle is worn down or in disrepair. If a truck’s tire blows out in the middle of a haul, the truck may swerve erratically and cause a serious crash.

Legal Help for Indianapolis Truck Accident Victims

If you or someone you love has been hurt in a truck crash in Indiana, contact the seasoned and trial-ready Indianapolis truck accident lawyers at Lee Cossell & Feagley, LLP for a free consultation on your case at 316-631-5151.

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